Friday, August 3, 2007

Planning to watch Transformer the movie for 2nd time

I'm planning to go watch Transformers the movie for second time this coming weekend. The first time I went to watch Transformers was 2 days ago. the main reason I go to watch this movie is because the executive producer of the movie is Steven Spielberg, My favourite director and another reason is the Autobots.

Optimus Prime My Favourite Autobots

But.. This time there is another reason for me to watch the movie for second time..

I guess this is most probably the highlight of the entire movie

Isn't she's hot??? Megan Fox.. In the movie she act as as Mikaela Banes: A girl who Sam is interested in and woos with the help of Bumblebee . She has mechanical skills because her father was a car thief, and she has a criminal record as she refused to turn him in to the authorities. She looks really gorgeous in the movie...

Here Check this out...

Very Hot la...

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